Monday, April 21, 2008

F-16 scale model with afterburner

via Jeremy Zawodny... A scale model F-16 with a miniature jet engine fitted with an afterburner!!

A few years back, when in London on business, I bought some scale model kits from the Imperial War Museum for my lil sis... To get her introduced to the creative side... LOL, she took one look at it and made it clear that I would be getting creative... In order not to waste the 40 pounds on these things, I spent the next 2 weeks carefully piecing together the HMS Ark Royal and a Lancaster bomber and slowly going mad. I have done a lot of tedious monotonous tasks in my lifetime, but this one took the cake. Since I wince every time I hear about a Lancaster bomber on the Discovery channel, I believe I haven't recovered yet...

So i salute the skill, dedication and concentration of the chaps who built, tested and troubleshooted this thing and managed to land it without crashing...

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